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Yangzi River Odyssey Map

The Yangzi River, including its Three Gorges region, on a new updated 2014 map from Odyssey Books, presenting the river and the surrounding area in a series of panels with maps at various scales, street plans and satellite images annotated with notes for visitors and spread across both sides of this title.An overview map of the whole of China with main cities and roads indicates coverage by three special panels: the upper Yangzi from its source to Luzhou, the lower Yangzi between Luzhou and Shanghai, plus within the river’™s lower section two more detailed panels covering the most visited stretch between Chongqing and Yichang and a more detailed still close-up of just the Three Gorges. All the panels show road and rail networks and are annotated with numerous boxes with historical comments, notes on places of interest etc. Also provided are three city maps showing main streets and sights in Chongqing, Wuhan and Shanghai. Additional satellite maps explain problems connected with The Gorges Dam Project.