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The Olympics` Strangest Moments
Geoff Tiballs’ wonderful collection The Olympics` Strangest Moments: Extraordinary But True Stories from the History of the Olympic Games (Portico, 2012) is a selection of the most unusual, jawdropping, and just plain bizarre moments in over a century of modern Olympics history.Be in turn amused and astonished by the array of Olympic feats and fortunes described here in very readable, bite size anecdotes’ฆ From the unlikely Olympic hero of Dorando Pieri, who missed out on a gold medal in the 1908 marathon when over anxious London officials dragged him over the finish line, to the spectacular achievement of the US gymnast George Eyser, who won three gold medal in 1904 with a wooden leg, Geoff Tibbals provides a weird and wonderful collection of some of the most astonishing moments in the history of the Games, all perfectly timed to enhance our appreciation of this summer’s fun. Delve into this highly enjoyable collection and get yourself some Olympic spirit!