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The Mouseproof Kitchen

Anna knows that if you want something really badly, you have to plan it. After all, she`s a chef. To make a bechamel sauce, you need the right ingredients in the right quantities, at the right time. So when she gets pregnant, she plans a perfect new life in Provence for her perfect new baby. But when their daughter Freya is born with profound mental and physical disabilities and Tobias decides that he can`t love his child, Anna is determined to persuade her husband that keeping Freya and moving to France is still the life they`ve always wanted. The family ends up in a vermin-infested farmhouse in the Languedoc – where they become a magnet for a cast of eccentrics. With their rickety home falling down around them, and Freya`s hospital visits becoming frighteningly frequent, Anna draws on reserves of strength she never knew she had to get her life back on track and keep her family together.