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The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget

Josh Dorfman, the author of STC`s hit “The Lazy Environmentalist”, is back with “The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget”. In a fun, casual style, “The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget” informs readers about how to affordably embrace an environmentally responsible lifestyle. It offers advice for everyone including students heading off to college, recent graduates entering the workforce and adults at various phases of their lives who are interested in incorporating green products and services into their lives. Environmentally savvy products are now in kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms and living rooms. They`re the new paint on your walls and the contemporary rugs on your floors. They`re everything from your toothbrush to your laundry detergent to your flat-screen TV. They inform your life easily without compromise. “The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget” builds on Dorfman`s first book by expanding the compendium of information and resources on a whole array of subjects for environmentally friendly living.With chapters on food, clothing, home, childcare, garden, health, travel and work, it is an informative but casual and accessible whole earth guide that will appeal to a very mainstream audience of enlightened but `environmentally lazy` readers.