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The Land of the Dawn-Lit Mountains: A Journey Across Arunachal Pradesh – India`s Forgotten Frontier

Shortlisted for a 2018 Edward Stanford Travel Writing Award.A thrilling and dangerous adventure through Arunachal Pradesh, one of the world`s least explored places. Remote, mountainous and forbidding, here shamans still fly through the night, hidden valleys conceal portals to other worlds, yetis leave footprints in the snow, spirits and demons abound, and the gods are appeased by the blood of sacrificed beasts. A mountainous state clinging to the far north-eastern corner of India, Arunachal Pradesh – meaning `land of the dawn-lit mountains` – has remained uniquely isolated. Steeped in myth and mystery, not since pith-helmeted explorers went in search of the fabled `Falls of the Brahmaputra` has an outsider dared to traverse it. Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent sets out to chronicle this forgotten corner of Asia. Travelling some 2,000 miles she encounters shamans, lamas, hunters, opium farmers, fantastic tribal festivals and little-known stories from the Second World War. In the process, she discovers a world and a way of living that are on the cusp of changing forever.