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The Hearts of Men

Camp Chippewa, 1962. Thirteen-year-old Nelson, loner and over-achiever, is nicknamed the Bugler as he proudly sounds the reveille each morning. This is the summer that everything changes, marking the beginning of Nelson`s uncertain friendship with a popular boy named Jonathan, and the discovery of his father`s betrayal, which tears his family apart.As time moves on, Nelson, irrevocably scarred from the Vietnam War, becomes Scoutmaster of Camp Chippewa, while Jonathan marries, divorces, and transforms his father`s business. When something unthinkable happens during a visit from Jonathan`s grandson and daughter-in-law, the aftermath tests the depths – and the limits – of Nelson`s selflessness and bravery.Nickolas Butler`s The Hearts of Men is a powerful, wise and deeply affecting novel about the slippery definitions of right and wrong, family and fidelity, and the redemptive power of friendship.