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The Garden Of Evening Mists

Malaya, 1949, and Yun Ling Teoh, a Cambridge law graduate who`s spent time helping to prosecute Japanese war criminals, has returned to the jungle-fringed plantations of her childhood. Herself a scarred prisoner of war survivor, Yun Ling has to battle her hatred of the Japanese when she meets the charismatic Aritomo; owner and curator of Malaya`s only Japanese garden and former gardener to the country`s emperor. Despite her cautious advances, Aritomo is reluctant to create a new garden in Kuala Lumpur in memory of Yun Ling`s sister, who died in the camp she escaped. But he does agree to take on Yun Lin as his new apprentice “until the monsoon comes”, by which point she can design a green space for herself. While her knowledge and appreciation of Aritomo`s skill increases day by day, so too does the threat of kidnapping and murder at the hands of the jungle hinterland`s guerrillas. As the weeks go by, certain mysteries deepen – why did Aritomo leave Japan? And how did Yun Ling manage to survive the war while those around her perished?Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, The Garden of Evening Mists is Tan Twan Eng`s poignant depiction of Malaysia`s rocky road to independence. Buy your copy today!