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South West Coast Path 4 – South Devon Adventure Atlas

South West Coast Path 4 – South Devon Adventure at 1:25,000 in a series of handy A5 size Adventure Atlases from Geographers` A-Z Map Company with cartography from the Ordnance Survey’™s Explorer series. The guide covers the 210 km / 131 mile section of the SWCP National Trail between Plymouth and Lyme Regis and includes a route planner indicating what facilities can be found in locations along and within an easy reach of the path.To see other titles in this series, including the guides to the other four sections of the South West Coast Path, please click on the series link.A-Z Adventure Atlases have cartography of the Ordnance Survey’™s Explorer maps and provide plenty of recreational and tourist information, indicating traditional public rights of way paths, including bridleways and byways restricted or open to motorized traffic. Also shown are other routes with public access, including permissive footpaths and bridleways. Special marking indicates National Trails, Long-distance Routes and Recreational Routes, and for cyclists the maps show traffic-free routes and the National Cycle Network. A wide range of symbols highlights locations of special tourist interest: camping and caravanning sites, youth hostels, information offices and visitors’™ centres, parking and picnicking places, historic buildings (indicating where appropriate National Trust, English Heritage, or Cadw), sites for various recreational pursuits, country pubs, public toilets, etc. The mapping provides detailed presentation of the topography with contours at 5 or 10m intervals, numerous spot heights and colouring and/or graphics for different types of terrain or vegetation. Additional colouring shows access land, including areas managed by the National Trust, Forestry Commission and Woodland Trust. All the standard information expected of high quality survey mapping at this scale is included: finely graded road network, railway lines with stations, cuttings or embankments, individual isolated buildings, etc. For GPS each page as a 1-km British National Grid. Each atlas has an index which includes geographical features, nature reserves, youth hostels, car parks, etc, and provides additional notes on safety and security when walking, plus QR codes for obtaining by mobile phone information about local weather, danger areas, mountain rescue, map reading, OS National Grid coordinates, etc.