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Sasso San Gottardo Once and Today Swisstopo Map No. 305

The area around the Sasso San Gottardo fortifications, build to protect access to the Gotthard Pass, presented in the Swisstopo’™s ‘œOnce and Today” series on extracts from topographic survey mapping from mid-1800s to the present day and on aerial photos.Map extracts range from the 1851 survey, the oldest topographic mapping of the Gotthard region, to a special 1:10,000 map declassified only in 2009 and the present day 1:25,000 topographic survey mapping with the underground fortifications overprinted on it. The title also includes panels showing coverage of the area by artillery ranges and examples of how stereoscopic photographs helped in surveying the region more accurately. Map legend and the accompanying text include English.For the list of other titles in this series please click on the series link.