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Russia Railway Atlas – Russia and the former Soviet Republics
Railway Atlas of Russia and the former Soviet Republics, including Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, arranged by colour-coded regional railway network coverage areas, including those within Russia itself, indexed and presented at varying scales. Railway legend includes international, inter-city and primary lines, as well as less major routes, ‘commuter” routes, branch lines, and lines under construction, as well as rail routes which connect on to ferries to traverse water for disembarkation at the other end, i.e. between St Petersburg and Helsinki. Stations are shown in accordance with classification type and distance markers are given in kilometres. Rail Atlas cartography includes other transport links, such as international (not domestic) airports, key regional and cross-country motor routes, car ferry ports and routes (with journey directions and distances), as well as inter-country and domestic river transport. Hydrographic information is shown, including Russia’s canal system. The presentation of atlas pages is a-typical in comparison with standard British/European publishers, especially in the un-lateral, discontinuous presentation of railway lines and the variance in scale between adjoining regions, however adjoining map page continuations are indicated across the countries’ networks. *PLEASE NOTE ‘“ THIS TITLE IS IN RUSSIAN (CYRILLIC) ONLY*