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Reg 5.2 Chesapeake Bay South

Passage ChartsC0 Chesapeake Bay ยท New York to Cape Fear 1: 1,300,000 C1 Chesapeake Bay ยท South 1: 340,000 C2 Cape May to Great Machipongo Inlet 1: 340,000Coastal ChartsC3 Taylors Island to Point Lookout 1: 100,000 C4 Tangier Sound ยท Pocomoke Sound 1: 100,000 C5 Point Lookout to Rappahannock River 1: 100,000 C6 Rappahannock River to Cape Charles 1: 100,000 C7 Chesapeake Bay Entrance 1: 100,000 C8 Cape Charles to Wachapreague Inlet 1: 100,000 C9 Wachapreague Inlet to Chincoteague 1: 100,000 C10 Chincoteague to Fenwick Island 1: 100,000 C11 Great Wicomico River 1: 45,000 C12 Ball Neck to Stingray Point 1: 45,000 C13 Rappahannock River ยท Corrotoman River 1: 45,000 C14 Rappahannock River ยท Urbanna to Sharps 1: 45,000 C15 Rappahannock River ยท Sharps to Tappahannock 1: 45,000 C16 Rappahannock River ยท Tappahannock to Leedstown 1: 45,000 C17 Rappahannock River ยท Leedstown to Fredericksburg 1: 45,000 C18 Piankatank River 1: 45,000 C19 Mobjack Bay 1: 45,000 C20 York River Entrance 1: 45,000 C21 York River ยท Yorktown to Purtan Bay 1: 45,000 C22 York River ยท Purtan Bay to West Point 1: 45,000 C23 Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers 1: 45,000 C24 Hampton Roads ยท Norfolk 1: 45,000 C25 Nansemond River to Suffolk 1: 45,000 C26 James River ยท Pig Point to Burwell Bay 1: 45,000 C27 James River ยท Burwell Bay to Jamestown 1: 45,000 C28 James River ยท Chickahominy River 1: 45,000 C29 James River ยท Claremont to Eppes Island 1: 45,000 C30 James River ยท Eppes Island to Richmond 1: 45,000 C31 Cape Henry 1: 45,000 C32 Honga River ยท Hooper Strait 1: 45,000 C33 Tangier Sound ยท Fishing Bay ยท Nanticoke Entrance 1: 45,000 C34 Nanticoke River ยท Hatcrown Point to Sharptown 1: 45,000 C35 Nanticoke River ยท Sharptown to Seaford 1: 45,000 C36 Wicomico River 1: 45,000 C37 Tangier Sound ยท Hooper Strait to Solomons Lump 1: 45,000 C38 Tangier Sound ยท Manokin River 1: 45,000 C39 Tangier Sound ยท Solomons Lump to Tangier Island 1: 45,000 C40 Pocomoke Sound 1: 45,000 C41 Pocomoke River 1: 45,000 C42 Watts Island to Sandy Point 1: 45,000 C43 Sandy Point to Old Town Neck 1: 45,000 C44 Old Town Neck to Kiptopeke Beach 1: 45,000 C45 Cape Charles to Ship Shoal Inlet 1: 45,000 C46 Ship Shoal Inlet to Great Machipongo Inlet 1: 45,000 C47 Great Machipongo Inlet to Quinby Inlet 1: 45,000 C48 Quinby Inlet to Wachapreague Inlet ยท Burtons Bay 1: 45,000 C49 Burtons Bay to Cat Creek 1: 45,000 C50 Chincoteague Inlet 1: 45,000 C51 Chincoteague Bay ยท South 1: 45,000 C52 Chincoteague North & Sinepuxent Bays 1: 45,000 C53 Ocean City Inlet to South Bethany 1: 45,000