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Procedures for Port State Control 2019, Edition 2020 – Ebook

This publication provides guidance to port State controlofficers (PSCOs) on the conduct of inspections of foreignships, in order to promote consistency in the way inspectionsare carried out worldwide, and to harmonize the criteria fordeciding on deficiencies found on board relating to theship, its equipment or its crew, as well as the application ofprocedures.This edition includes a new appendix 18 on 2019 Guidelinesfor port State control under MARPOL Annex VI chapter 3,as adopted by resolution MEPC.327(74), which provideguidance on the conduct of PSC inspections on the controlof emissions from ships, and afford consistency in theconduct of these inspections, the recognition of deficienciesand the application of control procedures. It also containsamendments to both the Guidelines for port State controlofficers on the ISM Code (appendix 8) and the Guidelinesfor port State control officers on certification of seafarers,manning and hours of rest (appendix 11).IMO Publications are available in paper, e-book and e-reader formats. Instructions how to download digital IMO publications will be provided via email after purchase. E-reader publications come as EBK format files. They are for use on a single computer or laptop with Windows-based software, “The IMO Bookshelf”. A number of IMO publications are available as e-books which are PDF copies of the paper books.