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Michelin City Maps

City maps from Michelin produced in two different formats: for most cities larger size street plans designed to be used for access to and travel across by car, plus for popular destinations also handy size, laminated โ€œwrite & wipeโ€ street maps covering a smaller area but providing descriptions of best sights, travel tips, etc.CITY MAPS RANGE: Michelinโ€™s main range of street plans of is primarily designed to be used for access to and travel across the city by car, given its wide coverage of the outer suburbs and detailed presentation of the surrounding motorway network. The maps are larger and for many cities double-sided. Street network is shown with the usual care associated with Michelinโ€™s road maps: detailed layout of motorway junctions, dual carriageways, tunnels, etc. Main traffic arteries leading to the city centre are highlighted and one way streets are marked. Metro lines and stations are clearly shown, and several maps also include a diagram of the whole network. In many titles the accompanying street index is in a separate booklet attached to the map cover. Map legend includes English.PARIS: coverage is available in different formats and presentations, including a street atlas.โ€WRITE & WIPEโ€ RANGE: handy size laminated so waterproof and tear-resistant street maps, with the main plan of the central districts accompanied by enlargements of most visited areas and/or access maps of the suburbs. Places of interest are clearly marked and best sights are cross-referenced to descriptions based on the publishersโ€™ Green Guides. The maps also provide practical information on getting around including a diagram of the metro network, opening hours, etc. All the text is in English only.For more information please see individual descriptions.