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Mauritania Wall Map

Mauritania and Western Sahara Wall Map at 1:1,750,000 from Gizi Map, size 95 x 88cm (37.5″ x 34.5″), with excellent presentation of the country’™s topography, an index next to the map, plus a street plan of central Nouakchot. Vivid altitude colouring with graphics for deserts, flood plains and salt flats shows the terrain. Oases, water wells and numerous spot heights are marked and the map provides plenty of names of geographical features: peaks, mountain chains and rock outcrops, plains, etc. Names of main towns and important geographical features are also given in Arabic. Road network shows distances on main roads and includes dirt tracks. The map also shows locations of local airfields and the route of the iron ore railway line from the mines at Zouรฉrat to the coast. Symbols highlight various places of tourist interest including UNESCO world heritage sites, forts and archaeological remains, national parks and protected areas, beaches, etc.Internal administrative boundaries are shown with names of the provinces. The map had latitude and longitude lines at intervals of 1ยบ. The index, placed next to the map, lists separately locations in Mauritania, Western Sahara, and the adjoining regions of Mali and Senegal. Map legend includes English and Arabic. Also included is a plan of central Nouakchott indicating main public buildings, hotels and various facilities.Please note: this title is also available in a folded format.