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London Rules
“Comparison may be the thief of joy, and it might be invidious to square London off against New York, Milan or Paris – which is heavier, a ton of feathers or a ton of gold? – but right now there is no other city in the world like it. The closer the social historian, cultural bellwether or hack gets to their own times, the more difficult it is for them to be sure that they have grasped what is essential about their period. But trust me, having lived in the city for forty years, I know what I say to be true.” We are constantly being told that 1966, the very first iteration of `Swinging London`, was the time when the city was at its cultural, most fashionable height. And if not 1966, then it`s the punk `70s or the Britpop `90s when London was meant to be most fun. But no. London is a more exciting city now than it`s ever been. It is already the greatest city of the twenty-first century, the one true global cultural megalopolis, the one true cocksure city-state, and we need to shout about it from the top of every tall building in town.