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Lofoten – Vaeroy

Lofoten Islands on a GPS compatible map at 1:100,000 from ProjektNord, with a vivid presentation of the islands’™ topography, plenty of tourist information, plus an enlargement showing Vรฆrรธy in greater detail at 1:50,000. The map presents the whole of the Lofoten archipelago at 1:100,000 with Vรฆrรธy plus Rรธst and the southernmost islands on separate panels. Coverage includes the whole of Austvรฅgรธya, with its northernmost tip shown on an inset.The islands’™ topography is shown by contours at 50m intervals, vividly enhanced by bold relied shading, plus numerous spot heights and graphics/colouring for woodlands and marshes. Road network indicates main and secondary roads, showing connections between the islands on bridges, in tunnels and via ferry routes. Also marked are local country trails. A wide range of symbols highlights various tourist facilities including hotels, cabins, fishermen’™s huts, campsites, restaurants and cafes, boat and coach trips, cycle rentals, etc. The map has a 5-km UTM grid, plus margin ticks for latitude and longitude at 15’™ intervals. Map legend includes English.