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Lagos del Sur – Araucania

Road map of the Araucania region covering both sides of border between Argentina and Chile. Coverage extends from the Chilean coast across the border to beyond the main road connecting the towns of Alumine, Junin de Los Andes, San Martin de los Andes, San Carlos de Bariloche and El Boston. The region includes many national parks and protected areas: on the Chilean side Conguillio, Lago Gualletue, Alto Bio Bio, China Muerta, Villarrica, Huerquehue, Mocho-Choshuenco, Puyehue, Vicente Perez Rosales, and Alerce Andino, and in Argentina Lanin and Nahuel Huapi.The map uses satellite imagery, enhanced with colours and hill-shading to give a vivid representation of the relief. Many local peaks are marked and named. Road network includes unpaved roads and dirt tracks, with locations of petrol stations and intermediate driving distances on major routes. Railways are marked and symbols show border crossings, hot springs, ranger stations, etc. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 30` intervals. Map legend is in Spanish and English.This title is part of the publishers’™ series of maps of Patagonia and its most visited regions.