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Lรดn Cambria & Lรดn Teifi

Taking you from Fishguard on the rugged West coast of Wales to just beyond the English border at Shrewsbury, the 340km Lon Camria & Lon Teifi routes cross Mid Wales and the Cambrian mountains, taking in the seaside resorts of Cardigan and Aberystwyth and the glorious Ystwyth and Elan Valleys as well as many peaceful country lanes and cyclepaths on the way. Whether tackling the route in a week of cycling or taking your time and riding it in smaller chunks, this bilingual pocket guide provides breakdowns of each section, advice on detours, where to stay and what sights not to miss. Gan fynd a chi o Abergwaun ar hyd arfordir garw Gorllewin Cymru i ychydig y tu hwnt i`r ffin a Lloegr yn yr Amwythig, mae llwybrau Lon Cambria a Lon Teifi 340km o hyd yn croesi Canolbarth Cymru a Mynyddoedd Cambria, gan fynd drwy drefi Aberteifi ac Aberystwyth a Chymoedd godidog Ystwyth ac Elan, yn ogystal a nifer o lonydd cefn gwlad tawel a llwybrau beicio ar hyd y daith.Boed eich bod yn taclo`r daith mewn wythnos o feicio neu`n treulio amser ac yn ei theithio mewn adrannau llai, mae`r canllaw poced dwyieithog hwn yn rhoi braslun i chi o bob adran, cyngor ynglyyn a dewisiadau eraill, mannau i aros a pha olygfeydd sy`n rhaid eu gweld.