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Kosova Express

In this unique eyewitness record, James Pettifer gives a startling and evocative portrayal of the grim and fearful world of Kosova from the imposition of martial law in 1990 till March 1999. As a writer for The Times and Wall Street Journal Europe, he witnessed most key events, from the emergence of the Kosova Liberation Army in May 1996 to the massive refugee movements of 1998 and 1999, the ground war between the KLA and the Serbs and the NATO bombing campaign and subsequent liberation of Kosovo. Many of the drama`s key personalities, such as the Serb war criminal Arkan (who at one time was a Kosova MP), American diplomats (including Richard Holbrooke) and key Albanian leaders (Ibrahim Rugova and Thacim Haci) feature in this account. Kosova Express also offers new insights into the efforts of the British government to manipulate press coverage of Kosova for its own ends, and the hitherto undisclosed links between several European governments and the Milosevic regiem. The colour and humour of Kosova daily life, the region`s bleakly harsh yet beautiful landscapes, and the subterranean, nightmare world of Prishtina are graphically described, as is the horrifying nature of the war aro