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Hungarian National Long-distance Blue Trail (E7): Irott-ko to Szekszard

Hiking guide to the western section of Hungary’™s National Blue Trail, including part of the E7 European long-distance footpath. The guide covers the route from รrott-ko in the Koszegi range on the Austrian border, across the Orsรฉg National Park and the Mecsek Hills near Pรฉcs, to Szekszรกrd. At the border crossing with Slovakia near Magyarszomnatfa the route becomes part of the E7 European long-distance footpath.The route and its variants are highlighted on detailed topographic maps at 1:40,000 with contours at 20m intervals enhanced by relief shading, plus colouring and graphics for different types of vegetation and land use, e.g. vineyards, orchards, meadows, woodlands, etc. Also highlighted are numerous local hiking trails. Local roads indicate bus routes and stops, and railway lines are shown with stations. Symbols mark various facilities and places of interests including campsites, hostels and other tourist accommodation, restaurants and cafes, etc. PLEASE NOTE: maps in this title have no geographical coordinates for GPS and map legend is only in Hungarian and German.Extensive text, illustrated with colour photos, is in Hungarian only ‘“ a challenge indeed! ‘“ but a lot of useful information, including telephone numbers for tourist offices, can be deciphered with help from a pocket dictionary.To see other titles in this series please click on the series link.