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Home Guard Manual (1941)

The ‘œHome Guard Manual” is a wonderful reproduction of the original 1941 text, read by potential inspirations for Dad’™s Army all over wartime Britain.It was May 1940, and Hitler stood on the cliffs at Calais and eyed up his next conquest: The British Isles! There was a call to arms that saw the founding of the Home Guard, a motley collection of men, poorly armed, many too old to fight in the war. The Home Guard was untried in war, often without weapons or training, and yet they Britain’™s last-ditch defence against the marauding Nazis. But all was not lost and, over the period of a few months, this rag-tag group was armed, uniformed and trained using the ‘œHome Guard Manual”. Taught basic fieldcraft, how to survive in the open, how to destroy tanks, ambush the invaders, use weapons of varying sorts, make boobytraps, read maps and send signals, the fledgling volunteer was turned into a veritable fighting machine’ฆ or was he just another member of Dad’™s Army?Read the manual and find out.