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Gd St-Bernard Swisstopo 1365

Map No. 1365, Grand St-Bernard, in the topographic survey of Switzerland at 1:25,000 from Swisstopo. Coverage extends from Mont Dolent in the west to the peak of Petit Vรฉlan in the east and includes on the Swiss side the upper part of Val Ferret; the map includes road approaches to the Grand St-Bernard tunnel on both sides of the border, extending on the Italian side to Etroubles.Swiss topographic survey at 1:25,000 covers the whole country on 247 small format sheets, with special larger maps published for popular regions including some titles now available in hiking versions. Highly regarded for their superb use of graphic relief and hill shading, the maps give an almost 3-D picture of Switzerland`s mountainous terrain. Contours are at 10 m intervals, with 20m intervals in the mountainous areas. All the maps have a 1-km grid for Swiss national coordinates (datum CH 1903). SMALL FORMAT SHEETS (Nos. 1011 – 1374) – map legend in the language of the area covered by the map. Additional margin ticks show latitude and longitude in steps of 2`. The area covered by each map is 17 x 12 km (11 x 7 miles approx). SPECIAL LARGER SHEETS (Nos. from 2501 onwards) ‘“ STANDARD editions: no map legend is included but a separate leaflet can be provided instead. The area covered by each map is 25 x 17 km (15 x 11 miles approx).SPECIAL LARGER SHEETS (Nos. from 2501 onwards) ‘“ HIKING editions: an overprint highlights hiking, mountain and alpine paths, including regional and national long-distance trails. The maps also show bus routes with bus stops, plus inns in remote locations. The area covered by each map is 25 x 17 km (15 x 11 miles approx).