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Dart to Devon Walking set

œI can’™t think of many better ways to spend a weekend than trekking the trails of south Devon’™s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. An area where rolling green hills disappear into rivers, the coastline is interspersed with hidden beaches and wildlife thrives. When one romanticises about England, it is these landscapes you think of. I love so many things about these two hikes: walking along the river, the passenger ferry from Dittisham, exploring the vineyards, coastal paths, secret swimming spots, but most of all it’™s the nature for me.”‘
: Exploring one of the UK’™s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty’
: Walking the Dart Valley Trail and The South West Coast Path’
: Dropping into one of the many great pubs along the way’
: Taking the passenger ferry from Dittisham’
: Wandering around Totnes and Dartmouth