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Dark and Magical Places: The Neuroscience of How We Navigate

โ€A NATURAL STORYTELLERโ€ Mary Roach โ€BRILLIANT AND BEGUILINGโ€ Matthew Gavin Frank โ€CAPTIVATING … WILL ALTER THE WAY YOU SEE AND MOVE THROUGH THE WORLDโ€ M. R. O`Connor Within our heads, we carry around an infinite and endlessly unfolding map of the world. Navigation is one of the most ancient neural abilities we have – older even than language – and in Dark and Magical Places, Christopher Kemp embarks on a journey to discover the remarkable extent of what our minds can do. From the secrets of supernavigators to the strange, dreamlike environments inhabited by people with `place blindness`, he will explore the myriad ways in which we find our way, explain the cutting-edge neuroscience that is transforming our understanding of it – and try to answer why, for a species with a highly-sophisticated internal navigation system that evolved over millions of years, do humans get lost such a lot?โ€I WAS THRILLED TO DISCOVER THIS BOOKโ€ Robert Moor