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Croatia – Through Writer`s Eyes

œCroatia – Through Writers’™ Eyes” contains work from some of the greatest travel writers of our time, even finding space to hold some of literary great Evelyn Waugh’™s musings on this amazing country. With its unspoiled dramatic coast, Croatia is a place of bewitching beauty, one of the hidden jewels of the Mediterranean. Yet most travellers know little more than it was once part of Yugoslavia.Its ruined Greek cities, Habsburg gardens, border fortresses, Roman palaces and ampitheatres, Byzantine basilicas and walled medieval towns only mock our lack of knowledge with their unexpected diversity.Within this marvellous volume the traveller can immerse themselves in the glory of Croatia’™s past, from Diocletian to independence, seen through the eyes of outsiders and Croats alike.Writers include:- Evelyn Waugh- Edward Gibbon- Rebecca West- Osbert Sitwell- Fitzroy Maclean- Mark Thompson- Jan Morris- Bill Strutton- Misha Glenny- John Gardner Wilkinson- Vladimir Dedijer