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Cordillera Cantabrica Walking

Robin Walker’™s Cicerone guide to Walking in the Cordillera Cantabrica explores one of Spain’™s premier mountain ranges. It includes detailed descriptions of 60 routes located throughout this magnificent mountain chain. The Cordillera Cantabrica is currently home to a total of nine protected areas, including three UNESCO ‘˜Man and the Biosphere’™ sites, and, together with the nearby Picos de Europa, is the best-preserved continuous mountain range in Spain. The guide is organized around selected valley bases, meaning individual routes are easily accessed, minimising travel time. Every route is circular and can be completed in a day. They vary in difficulty from straightforward, half-day outings to strenuous, full-day ascents demanding fitness, good overall mountain skills and the ability to deal with short sections of scrambling. Each walking route is complimented by articles on four specialist topics of interest to those who wish to know the ranger in greater depth: place-names, transhumance, the civil war and alpine flora. Detailed route descriptions are accompanied by colour diagrams mapping the route as well as colour photographs illustrating the highlights of the region.