Category Archives: Travel Guides

Hungary: Between Democracy and Authoritarianism

How has Hungary, a country once in the vanguard of political and economic reform under Communism, become a chilling example of the new threats confronting democracy in Central Europe? The return of Hungary`s demons of the past – nationalism, ethnic hatred, deeply-rooted corruption and authoritarian tendencies – has engendered international concern. Since winning a two-thirds

The Maghreb Since 1800

The Maghreb – the region that today encompasses Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya – is a region apart within the larger Muslim and Arab world. Today the focus of popular uprisings for democracy and participation, it underwent long periods of colonisation and anti-colonial nationalist resistance, both peaceful and militant. To understand the nature of today`s

Tibet: An Unfinished Story

Tibet`s enduring myth, animated by the tales of Himalayan adventurers, British military expeditions, and the novel, Lost Horizon, remains an inspirational fantasy, a modern morality play about the failure of brutality to subdue the human spirit. Tibet also exercises immense `soft power` as one of the lenses through which the world views China. This book

Pakistan: A New History

If Pakistan is to preserve all that is good about its country – the generosity and hospitality of its people, the dynamism of its youth – it must face the deterioration of its social and political institutions. Sidestepping easy headlines to identify Pakistan`s true dangers, this volume revisits the major turning points and trends of

Genoa, `La Superba`: The Rise and Fall of a Merchant Pirate Superpower

Genoa has an incredible story to tell. It rose from an obscurity imposed by its harsh geography to become a merchant-pirate superpower that helped create the medieval world. It fought bitter battles with its great rival Venice and imprisoned Marco Polo, as the feuding city states connected Europe to the glories of the East. It

Crossing the Congo: Over Land and Water in a Hard Place

Shortlisted for a 2016 Edward Standford Travel Writing AwardIn 2013, three friends set off on a journey that they had been told was impossible: the north-south crossing of the Congo River Basin, from Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, to Juba, in South Sudan.Traversing two and a half thousand miles of the toughest terrain

French Countryside Cooking: Inspirational dishes from the forests, fields and shores of France

Multiple-Michelin-starred Daniel Galmiche presents a fresh approach to French cooking. Taking inspiration and ingredients from meadow and orchard, from field to forest, and from river to sea, each recipe elevates authentic French rural classics to sophisticated dishes, full of flavour and easy to create at home.French cooking centres around one maxim: start with quality ingredients,

Gunpowder Plot

Fatal Fireworks on Guy Fawkes Night… Daisy Darlymple is delighted to accept an invitation from her old school friend. Gwen Tyndall lives at Edge Manor in the Cotswolds and Daisy`s visit will coincide with their annual fireworks display on 5th November. But this year, amid the festivities, Gwen`s father and another man are found dead.

Sheer Folly

In March of 1926, Daisy Dalrymple Fletcher and her friend Lucy head off for several days at stately home reputed to have the best grotto in the country. Working on a book of architectural follies they plan to research and photograph it. Leaving her husband and young twins behind, Daisy is expecting a productive weekend

Blind Descent

The deepest cave on earth was a prize that had remained unclaimed for centuries, long after every other ultimate discovery had been made. This is the story of the men and women who risked everything to find it, earning their place in history beside the likes of Peary, Amundsen, Hillary, and Armstrong. In 2004, two

A Brief History of the Third Reich: The Rise and Fall of the Nazis

Beginning in the broken aftermath of the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles that made German recovery almost impossible, Whittock tells not just the account of the men who rose to the fore in the dangerous days of the Weimar republic, circling around the cult of personality generated by Adolf Hitler, but also

London The Panoramas

This title presents unique panoramic views in true perspective. Shot entirely with a classic panoramic camera, Mark Denton`s distinctive photography reveals some of the finest ever wide views of London. This new, revised and updated edition, offers a unique introductions to the city`s spectacular architecture and heritage. The majority of the images are taken in

Travel In Dangerous Places

The great explorers were the celebrities of their day – the romance and danger of their daring expeditions captured the public imagination and the world`s headlines to an extraordinary degree. Not all of them lived to tell the tale, of course, but those who emerged triumphant from jungle, desert or polar wasteland were hailed as

Damsel in Distress

Simply mad about the girl…In spring a young man`s fancy will turn to love and the Honourable Phillip Petrie is no exception. Daisy`s chum is totally smitten with Miss Gloria Arbuckle, daughter of a millionaire Yank. But before the enthusiastic suitor can pop the question, his beloved is abducted by kidnappers. As a distraught Mr

One Blood

1960, and Sister Conchita, the young nun with a flair for detection, has been forced to leave her beloved Malaita and assume reluctant command of a run-down mission in the lush, primitive Western District of the Solomon Islands. The group of three elderly sisters currently there are rumoured to have `gone native` and Conchita tries

A Life Apart

Ritwik Ghosh, twenty-two and recently orphaned, finds the chance to start a new life when he arrives in England from Calcutta. But to do so, he must not only relive his entire past but also make sense of his relationship with his mother – scarred, abusive and all-consuming. But Oxford holds little of the salvation

Ireland – Land, People, History

From the dawn of history to the decline of the Celtic Tiger – this title shows how Ireland has been shaped over the centuries. Ireland has been shaped by many things over the centuries: geography, war, the fight for liberty. “A Brief History of Ireland” is the perfect introduction to this exceptional place, its people

Shooting Leave

Snow leopards and Cossacks can both be dangerous. But to young British officers in India in the nineteenth century there was only one thing more exciting than shooting wild game in the mountains and steppes of Central Asia, and that was spying out those uncharted lands and impeding the advance of Tsarist Russia towards the

A Brief History of the Middle East

Western civilization began in the Middle East: Judaism and Christianity, as well as Islam, were born there. For over a millennium, the Islamic empires were ahead of the West in learning, technology and medicine, and were militarily far more powerful. It took another three hundred centuries for the West to catch up, and overtake, the

Rattle His Bones

As a grey drizzle descends upon the damp errand boys and busy omnibuses of London, Daisy Dalrymple is feeling rather cheerful and excited to be showing her nephew and future stepdaughter the glories of Kensington`s Natural History Museum. But as closing time draws near, Daisy and Co. hear a tremendous crash and are horrified to