Category Archives: Accessories

Odysseus: Greek Myths

Most people have heard of Odysseus from Homer`s Odyssey, but few know who he was or where he came from, or what part he played in the Trojan War. In this sixth Put it in Your Pocket booklet his cunning and heroism are described, as are the adventures he experienced on his homeward journey, each

Chios: Homer

Chios claims Homer as its native son. In this booklet Jill Dudley describes the ancient site north of the port of Chios where the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey taught and sang his epic poems. She visits the temples of pagan gods who divinely intervened in the Trojan War, and describes how Helen

Delos: Birthplace of Apollo. All You Need to Know About the Island`s Myth, Legend and its Gods

In this booklet Jill Dudley speaks of the light that seems to envelop Delos, the smallest of all the Cycladic islands. She describes Homer`s account of the god Apollo`s birth which took place there, and how in antiquity it became a major centre of pilgrimage. Today it still attracts many thousands of tourists because of

Kos Hippocrates & Asclepius: All You Need to Know About the Island`s Myths, Legends, and its Gods

In this booklet Jill Dudley writes about Hippocrates who was born on Kos, whose father was a temple priest-physician serving Asclepius, god of healing. She describes Hippocrates` pioneering approach to medicine, and his break with the traditional belief that sickness was an infliction imposed by the gods. It is as the back cover of the

Lesbos: Sappho and Orpheus.

Jill Dudley describes Lesbos as lyrical, both in its landscape and its people. It is the birthplace of the poetess Sappho, and the final resting place of Orpheus whose singing was said to be so beautiful that the mountains bowed down and animals drew near to listen. She describes the places where they are remembered

School of Velocity

`A hugely impressive first novel about music, friendship and obsession` David NichollsJan – a virtuoso pianist – is about to go on stage to perform his solo. But, once again, the music he hears in his head is not what he is supposed to be playing, and it threatens to sabotage his performance.As he struggles

The Cow Who Jumped Over the Moon

Santorini (Thira): The Lost Island of Atlantis

Delphi: The Oracle of Apollo. All You Need to Know About the Gods, Myths and Legends of This Sacred Site

Jill Dudley describes how Apollo came to Delphi and killed the Python/Dragoness, then claimed for himself the magnificent sacred site on the foothills of Mt. Parnassus. She describes some of the more important buildings, and writes about the ancient ritual of enquiry; she also lists some of the oracle`s responses, including those regarding Christianity. It

Olympia: The Olympic Games. All You Need to Know About the Gods, Myths and Legends of This Sacred Site

Jill Dudley relates the various myths regarding the founding of the Olympic Games. She takes the reader around the main buildings on the site where the athletes took their vows, and the victors were crowned before the cult statue of the supreme god Zeus in his temple; this statue was one of the seven wonders

Eleusis: Demeter and Kore. All You Need to Know About This Sacred Site, its Myths, Legends and its Gods

Jill Dudley writes about the abduction of the goddess Demeter`s daughter Persephone (otherwise known as Kore) by Hades, god of the underworld. She describes how Demeter came to Eleusis in search of her daughter, and why she chose it as the site for her Eleusian Mysteries, outlining some of the ancient rituals which took place

An Historical Map of Oxford – from Medieval to Victorian Times

A full colour map, based on a digitised map of the city of Oxford in 1876, with its medieval past overlain and important buildings picked out. Oxford is synonymous with its university but deserves to be known as a city in its own right as well. What the map shows is a city of different

Epidaurus: Centre of Healing. All You Need to Know About the Site`s Myths, Legends and its Gods

In this booklet Jill Dudley describes the myths regarding the birth of Asclepius, god of medicine. She outlines the procedures which took place to bring about the miraculous healing of the sick and disabled, and lists some of the miracle cures which took place there. It is as it says on the back cover of

Spy Dad

Patmos: St. John the Theologian.

Jill Dudley writes about St. John the Theologian who lives in exile on this beautiful volcanic island. It was on Patmos that the voice of God was heard by St. John and Revelation, the last book in the New Testament was written down. She records how St. John overpowered the pagan gods who were worshipped

King Agamemnon: Greek Myths

Anybody wanting to learn something about the commander-in-chief of the Greek army in the Trojan War will find out in this booklet. Jill Dudley explains the curse inflicted on the House of Atreus by King Agamemnon`s ancestor, and the misfortunes suffered by King Agamemnon and his family. She relates events in the war in which

Tinos: The Miracle-Working Icon.

In this booklet Jill Dudley gives a detailed account of the Church of Panagia Evangelistria`s miracle-working icon of the Virgin Mary; how it was lost and, after many centuries, was miraculously recovered. She describes the piety of the pilgrims who go on hands and knees from the port to the church to give thanks, or

Achilles: Greek Myths

Today we speak of an `Achilles` heel`. But who was Achilles, and what exactly was the story of his heel? Why was he considered the finest hero in the Trojan War, and what caused him to fall out with King Agamemnon so that he refused to fight? Did he survive the war, or was he

Sky Private Eye and the Case of the Runaway Biscuit: A Fairytale Mystery Starring the Gingerbread Boy

The Wooden Horse: Greek Myths

The Wooden Horse is legendary, but what exactly was it? Why did the Greek warriors construct such a thing in the first place? And what was it that made the Trojans believe the Greeks had sailed away and the ten-year Trojan War was over? All these questions are answered in this fifth booklet of the