Category Archives: Accessories

Four Sisters:The Lost Lives of the Romanov Grand Duchesses

On 17 July 1918, four young women walked down twenty-three steps into the cellar of a house in Ekaterinburg. The eldest was twenty-two, the youngest only seventeen. Together with their parents and their thirteen-year-old brother, they were all brutally murdered. Their crime: to be the daughters of the last Tsar and Tsaritsa of All the

Naming Jack the Ripper: New Crime Scene Evidence, A Stunning Forensic Breakthrough, the Killer Revealed

In 2007, businessman Russell Edwards bought a shawl believed to have been left beside the body of the fourth victim, Catherine Eddowes. He knew that, if genuine, the shawl would be the only piece of crime scene evidence still in existence. It was the start of an extraordinary seven-year quest for Russell as he sought

Early Starters: My Day

Rod Campbell, the creator of DEAR ZOO, has been a trusted name in early learning for over 30 years and Macmillan is proud to publish EARLY STARTERS, his major new series for toddlers. Every book in the series supports the learning and discovery of a key theme and uses carefully selected novelty elements to encourage

A Nest of Vipers

A Nest of Vipers is the twenty-first novel in Andrea Camilleri`s irresistible Inspector Montalbano series.Quite a family, you had to admit! A nest of vipers might be a better description . . .On what should be a quiet Sunday morning, Inspector Montalbano is called to a murder scene on the Sicilian coast. A man has

The Divine Comedy

โ€Finally I realised that I had been practising for this job every time I wrote a quatrain …I had spent all this time – the greater part of a lifetime – preparing my instrumentsโ€ The Divine Comedy is the precursor of modern literature, and Clive James`s new translation – his life`s work and decades in

Rasputin: The Biography

SHORTLISTED FOR THE JAMES TAIT BLACK PRIZE Nearly a century after his murder, Rasputin remains as divisive a figure as ever. Was he really a horse thief and a hard-drinking ruffian in his youth? Was he a a devout Orthodox Christian, or was he in fact a just a fake holy man? Are the stories

How to Worry Less About Money

Our relationship with money is one that lasts a lifetime. It can be as important as family life, as competitive as work, and as exciting and secretive as love. Yet books about money tend to take one of two routes: a) how to get more, or b) how to deal with less. This book turns

How to Stay Sane

There is no simple set of instructions that can guarantee sanity, but if you want to overcome emotional difficulties and become happier, psychotherapist Philippa Perry, author of The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read, argues that there are four cornerstones to sanity you can influence to bring about change. By developing your self-observation skills,

Land`s Edge: A Coastal Memoir

On childhood holidays to the western coast, Tim Winton`s days followed a joyous rhythm. In the mornings, the sun and surf kept him outside, in the water. In the afternoons, as the horizon wobbled with mirages and the wind came in from the ocean, he was driven inside, to books. In the `simple, peculiar shack`

The Christmas Truce

Down at the Front, on a cold winter`s night in 1914, amidst the worst war the world had ever seen, an inexplicable silence spread from man to man. Belief was in the air. Then the soldiers ceased fire and the magic of Christmas took hold …Carol Ann Duffy`s brilliant new poem celebrates the miraculous truce

The Warmth of the Heart Prevents Your Body from Rusting: Ageing without growing old

In this eloquent meditation on ageing, Marie de Hennezel guides us through a true `art of growing old`. She recalls her encounters as a clinical psychologist with extraordinary people who `grow old gracefully` – and through her experience shows us how to make the most of this time in our lives, to avoid depression and

No Country For Old Men

The Giant Postman

Watch Out William!

Wenceslas: A Christmas Poem

Beginning with the King`s Cook, who is preparing a sumptuous Christmas Pie, Wenceslas takes us to a medieval feast. The lords and ladies are at their places, the wine is in full flow, the musicians are playing in the gallery and the entertainment has begun. All should be perfect. But when the good King looks

The Cow Who Climbed a Tree

Tina isn`t like the other cows. She believes that the sky is the limit, that everything is possible. But her sisters aren`t convinced and when Tina tells them she has climbed a tree and met a dragon, they decide that her nonsense has gone too far. Off they go into the woods to find her

Model Villages

This is the story of Britain`s model villages: miniature worlds that have captivated garden guests and paying public since the early twentieth century.This history of these small-scale utopias covers their early growth as playthings of the wealthy, their blossoming into fairylands on seafronts during the post-war holiday boom, and of many model villages` gradual decline

Grandpa Green

Grandpa Green wasn`t always a gardener. He was a boy who lived on a farm and a child who had chickenpox. He was a soldier, a husband and, most of all, an artist. Follow his grandson through a garden where memories are handed down through the shapes of topiary trees and imagination recreates things forgotten.

Abandoned Villages

A lonely ruined church, mysterious bumps in a field, or stone walls visible on the shoreline of a reservoir in high summer: all these are signs of settlements abandoned over the years.Over the centuries many villages in Britain have been abandoned. This book describes the natural and man-made causes, from coastal erosion to the closing

Paper Dolls, The

A string of paper dolls go on a fantastical adventure through the house and out into the garden. They soon escape the clutches of the toy dinosaur and the snapping jaws of the oven-glove crocodile, but then a very real pair of scissors threatens. A stunning, rhythmical story of childhood, memory and the power of