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Butterfly Purse

Fine Cell Work is a charity which makes beautiful handmade products in British prisons. Our unique products have been designed in collaboration with some of the country’™s leading contemporary designers and are all hand-produced in limited editions. Teaching prisoners high-quality needlework boosts their self-worth, instils self-discipline, fosters hope and encourages them to lead independent, crime-free lives. They are trained by volunteers before carrying out their work in-cell and in prison workshops. We also provide post-prison support upon release. At our London-based community hub we provide work experience, formal training and employment to ex-prisoners, with the aim of getting them back into work.Fine Cell Work in numbers:’
: We work in 32 prisons’
: We work with 500 prisoners a year, we have 200 prisoners on a waiting list to join’
: We made 4872 products in 2017 in prisons across the UK’
: On average prisoners spend 24 hours a week stitching’
: The most difficult cushion takes 200 hours to stitch ‘
: 96% of stitchers are men’
: The reoffending rate amongst Fine Cell Work’™s trainees is 7% compared to a national average of 46%