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Brazil Cruising Guide

Brazil Cruising Guide is a comprehensive set of sailing directions for the coasts of Brazil, with over 250 harbours and anchorages described and illustrated by full colour photographs and plans, many of which are based on official Brazilian Navy charts. Michael Balette describes the scenery of the country’™s 3,500 mile coastline which operates as an obvious landfall for yachts on the route north from South Africa and Cape Horn, as well as an alternative route for Atlantic Crossings. The guide is divided into the following sections: Southwards from Salvador de Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul (State of Bahia, State of Espirito Santo, State of Rio de Janeiro, State of Sao Paulo, State of Parana, State of Santa Catarina, and the State of Rio Grande do Sul), Northwards from Salvador de Bahia to Belem (State of Alagoas, State of Pernambuco, State of Parabia, State of Rio Grande do Norte, State of Ceara, Fortaleza to the Rio Para, and the State of Para). Introductory information includes details on the history, culture and geography of the country, as well as informing the sailor about navigation aids, tides and currents, a long list of main lighthouses, the Salvamar system of sea search and rescue, and the RENEC national network of coast radio stations. The appendix contains a Brazilian Portuguese -English glossary, a list of Brazilian naval charts and distance tables.