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Between the Wars: 1919-1939

At the end of 1918 one prescient American historian began to write a history of the Great War. โ€What will you call it?โ€ he was asked. โ€The First World War,โ€ was his bleak response.In Between the Wars Philip Ziegler examines the major international turning points – cultural and social as well as political and military – that led the world from one war to another. His approach is panoramic, touching on all parts of the world where history was being made, examining Gandhi`s March to the Sea and the Chaco War in South America alongside Hitler`s rise to power.It is the tragic story of a world determined that the horrors of the First World War would never be repeated, yet committed to a path which in hindsight was inevitably destined to end in a second, even more devastating conflict.Each chapter bears the unmistakable stamp of Ziegler`s scholarship: a keen eye for the telling anecdote, elegant and fluid prose, and calm and fair judgments. In a world that grows ever more uncertain, its perspective on how hopes of peace can dissolve into the promise of war becomes more relevant with each passing day.