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Berne and Surroundings Swisstopo 2502
Map No. 2502, Berne and the Surrounding Area STANDARD EDITION, in the topographic survey of Switzerland at 1:25,000 from Swisstopo). Highly regarded for their superb use of graphic relief and hill shading, the maps give an almost 3-D picture of Switzerland`s mountainous terrain. Contours are at 10 m intervals, with 20m intervals in the mountainous areas. All the maps have a 1-km grid for Swiss national coordinates (datum CH 1903). Small format sheets (Nos. 1011 – 1374)Map legend in the language of the area covered by the map. Additional margin ticks show latitude and longitude in steps of 2`. The area covered by each map is 17 x 12 km (11 x 7 miles approx). Special larger sheets (Nos. from 2501 onwards) ‘“ STANDARD editions: No map legend is included but a separate leaflet can be provided instead. The area covered by each map is 25 x 17 km (15 x 11 miles approx).Special larger sheets (Nos. from 2501 onwards) ‘“ HIKING editions: An overprint highlights hiking, mountain and alpine paths, including regional and national long-distance trails. The maps also show bus routes with bus stops, plus inns in remote locations. The area covered by each map is 25 x 17 km (15 x 11 miles approx).