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Across Many Mountains

Kusang never thought she would leave Tibet. Growing up in a remote mountain village, she married a monk and gave birth to two children. But then the Chinese army invaded, and their peaceful lives were destroyed forever. Thousands were tortured, prison camps were set up and Kusang`s monastery was destroyed. The family were forced to flee across the Himalayas in the depths of winter, battling cold, fear, starvation and exhaustion. It took a month to reach India, where they were then passed from one refugee camp to another, all the while fighting hunger and disease. Kusang`s husband and her younger child died, but somehow Kusang and her daughter Sonam survived. In “Across Many Mountains” Sonam`s daughter, Yangzom, born in safety in Switzerland, has written the story of her inspirational mother and grandmother`s fight for survival, and their lives in exile. It is an extraordinary story of determination, love and endurance.