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Abruzzo Guida Verde – Italian Text

Calabria guide (all text is in Italian), by the Touring Club Italiano, Italy’™s leading travel publisher, exploring the history, culture, food and wine, walking opportunities, local markets and festivals of the region. The guide has been designed for independent travellers with practical information on how to prepare for the trip and make the most out of it as well as transports, cultural and musical events, eating, sleeping and leisure. A detailed introduction explores the history, culture and attractions of the region. Colour photographs and maps are included throughout the guide, illustrating some of the region’™s historic sites and landmarks. The Itineraries section is divided into 5 main sections ‘“ Cosenza, la costa tirrenica, il Pollino e la Sila; Crotone e Marchesato; Catanzaro e la Calabria tra due mari; Vibo Valentia, le Serre e la Costa degli Dei; Reggio di Calabria, L’™Aspromonte e l’™estrema punta della Penisola. It is a journey that will take you from north to south, from Cosenza to Reggio di Calabria via Scilla, with 19 itineraries visiting this diverse region from its mountainous National parks of il Pollino, la Sila and l’™Aspromonte to the sunny beaches of Tropea and Soverato.Each section has area profiles, colour maps showing town and building plans, detailed descriptions of the history and heritage of the area, 3 to 5 suggested day-trips and details of the main attractions in the area. Individual information boxes help provide further insight into the art and architecture, food and local customs. An overview map of the region is also included in the inside-back cover.In the 64 pages attached booklet Calabria Informazioni Pratiche, you will find practical information on where to stay, restaurant, museums, shopping, leisure, sport and local events.*ALL THE TEXT IS IN ITALIAN ONLY.*