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A Year In The Woods – The Diary of a Forest Ranger

A Year in the Woods is a fantastic journey deep into the heart of the English countryside as we take a look inside a job that most people won`t have a first hand experience with. Colin Elford spends his days alone – alone but for the deer, the squirrels, the rabbits, the birds, and the many other creatures inhabiting the woods. From the crisp cold of January, through the promise of spring and the heat of summer, and then into damp autumn and the chill winds of winter, we accompany the forest-ranger as he goes about his work – stalking in the early morning darkness, putting an injured fallow buck out of its misery, watching stoats kill a hare, observing owls, and simply being a part of the outdoors.This isn`t Yogi Bear, this is the great outdoors lovingly recorded with respect and a keen eye for detail.