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A Mad World, My Masters

A Mad World My Masters is arguably John Simpson`s most popular volume of autobiographical writing.There are only a handful of places left on this earth where you can`t buy a McDonald`s hamburger or stay in a Holiday Inn – and John Simpson has been to them all. This hugely successful volume of writing is a celebration of some of the world`s wilder places. His extraordinary experiences include stories about a television camera that killed people, about how Colonel Gadhaffi farted his way through an interview and how he – Simpson – mooned the Queen.From small heroes to big villains, John Simpson is a master of storytelling, carrying within him a sense of wonder and adventure. Having been at the epicentre of many of the world`s flashpoints for over 30 years, Simpson has a journalistic eye for detail and nuance and never holds back from telling you the things you want to know. He is a pro at bringing people and places to life, poking fun where appropriate and never taking the moral high ground for the sake of political correctness.