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A Dry White Season

Andre Brink’™s ‘œDry White Season” was first published in 1979, and follows in the tradition of Alan Paton and Nadine Gordimer as it takes a critical look at apartheid South Africa from within at a time when the end of apartheid was nearly fifteen years away.It centers on Ben du Toit- an ordinary, decent, harmless man, unremarkable in every way, until his sense of justice is outraged by the death of a man he has known. His friend died at the hands of the police and in the beginning it appears a straightforward matter, an unfortunate error that can be explained and put right. But as Ben investigates further he finds that his curiosity becomes labelled rebellion – and for a rebel there is no way back.One of the key figures in the Afrikaans literary movement, it’™s easy to tell from this book why Brink is still around writing today: his work is relevant, insightful, and painfully true.