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WWI Trench Map: Bapaume (57C NW – ed. 8B)

Bapaume (57C NW – ed. 8B, local) in a series of British Army trench maps from the WWI, reproduced by G.H. Smith & Son at approximately 7/10th of the original scales quoted against each title. The map shows enemy organisation and artillery positions to the north-west and north-east of Bapaume, with trenches revised to 4.6.1918.Maps in this series show both the British and the enemy trenches. Several titles also indicate supply and ammunition dumps, machine gun and trench mortar emplacements, observation posts, etc. Most titles are annotated with a specific date when they were prepared and include on the reverse a glossary of terms used on the map. Some also include additional information on the regiments and/or individual solders connected with that particular part of the front.To see other titles in this series please click on the series link.