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When Money Dies: The Nightmare of the Weimar Hyperinflation

The International Bestseller About the German HyperinflationIn December 1923, with its currency all but worthless – one dollar bought 4,200,000,000,000 marks – Weimar Germany was reduced to a barter economy. Artworks and jewels were exchanged for bread and flour; a cinema ticket could be purchased for a lump of coal. The Bavarian PM submitted a Bill to the Reichsrat proposing that gluttony be made a penal offence, since it might `arouse discontent in view of the distressful condition of the population`.`When Money Dies` is the classic history of these bizarre and frightening times. It deals with the human side of inflation: why governments resort to it; the dismal, corruptive pestilence it visits on their citizens; the agonies of recovery; and the dark, long-term legacy. At a time of acute economic strain, it provides an urgent warning against the addictive dangers of printing money as a soft option for governments faced with growing unrest and unemployment.