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Switzerland Swisstopo National Map

National Map of Switzerland at 1:1,000,000 from Swisstopo, the country’™s survey organization, presenting Switzerland in the setting of the surrounding regions of its neighbouring countries. Excellent relief shading for which Swisstopo are well known, with colouring for glaciers plus names of mountain ranges, peaks with heights, valleys, etc, provides are very clear overview of these Alpine areas of Europe.Coverage in France extends westwards beyond the Rhone to Le-Puy-en-Velay and Troyes, extending north/south from Nancy, Strasbourg to just beyond Gap to include the highest parts of the French Alps with Mont Blanc and the Vanoise and Ecrins National Parks. Within Germany the map includes the Black Forest and the whole of the German Alps, extending to Stuttgart and Passau. In Austria the whole of the Tyrol is included, with coverage extending beyond Salzburg. In Italy coverage extends southwards to Genoa and Bologna, and eastwards to Udine.The map shows motorways and main transit routes with selected linking regional roads, principal rail connections, airports and administrative boundaries of, as appropriate, cantons/regions/departments/states/provinces. A separate inset provides an administrative map of the whole area covered by this title.Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at of 30` with WGS 84 coordinates in the margins. The map has no index. Map legend includes English.