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Norway F&B

New edition of this map, now with hill shading showing the general relief. This is a double-sided map, with the northern part of the country divided into 3 sections to fit it conveniently onto the sheet.Road detail includes secondary roads and an indication of steep gradients. Intermediate driving distances are shown on most routes. Car and passenger ferries are marked and railways, rack railways and cable railways are shown. Provincial boundary lines are drawn and provincial administrative towns are distinguished.Symbols show antiquities, churches, castles, monuments, lighthouses, airports, yacht supply stations, campsites and spot heights for selected peaks.Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 30` intervals.The multilingual legend includes English and the index for locations (with postcodes) is in an attached booklet, which also contains simple street plans of Trondheim, Hammerfest, Bergen, Oslo, Narvik and Stavanger.