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Indonesian Cooking: Satays, Sambals and More: Homestyle Recipes with the True Taste of Indonesia

Bring the exotic flavours of Indonesia home with the help of `Indonesian Cooking: Satays, Sambals and More`! These easy-to-follow recipes are designed for cooks to try their hand at authentic, flavourful recipes from a rich cuisine. Indonesian food is largely unexplored in many Western countries be the first of your friends to discover delicious recipes from the fabled Spice Islands. All of the ingredients can be found in any well-stocked supermarket. However, author Dina Yuen has included substitutes for those that may be more difficult to find, as well as a list of resources for online stores and mail order ingredients. As the world`s largest and most diverse archipelago, Indonesia is a vibrant, multi-layered nation. Now, cooks all over the world can bring those traits to their home-cooked meals.