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Barrow`s Boys

“Barrows Boy`s” records the history of British exploration in the first half of the 19th century, examining events in the Arctic, Antarctic, Australia and West Africa. Fleming dusts down the surreal and unrepeatable adventures of a host of remarkable individuals. Behind all of the events lies Sir John Barrow, who provided the inspiration, drive and support for these expeditions. The book begins with disaster, when an expedition is wiped out in Africa, and wanders through tragedy and triumph to end with another disaster, when an expedition is wiped out in the Arctic. Everything about the expeditions is wrong. The orders, ships, supplies, methods and funding are incorrect and even the results are worthless (The Antarctic turned out to be a hostile lump of ice, Northern Australia was far too inhospitable to become a second Singapore and Timbuctoo proved to be just a collection of mud huts).Yet Barrow`s legacy is hugely important – such was his influence that Roald Amundsen cited Barrow as an inspiration. Fleming`s accounts are thoroughly researched and vividly told in an entertaining, blackly comic style ensuring that the book remains absolutely compelling.